SSH.COM (Tectia)
SSH Communications Security is one of the most trusted brands in cybersecurity.
SSH.COM is the pioneer of secure access by introducing the original Secure Shell protocol in 1995. Over 20 years later SSH.COM is still committed to innovation in secure access. Today SSH.COM’s technology is used in over 90% of the world’s data centers, and their solutions are trusted by over 40% of Fortune 500 companies.
We at NXme are experts in implementing SSH-based solutions, regardless of your organization’s size or industry. To request a quote for SSH.COM products or to find out more about our SSH consultation services, e.g. building customized solutions, SSH key management projects and SSH health check services, please contact our sales.
Read More:
Tectia SSH – the leading mature, commercial SSH client and server solution
SSH.COM CryptoAuditor – see what your SIEM missed
SSH.COM Universal Key Manager – the only permanent SSH key management solution for major businesses and organizations